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Extended Abstracts: (between two and four pages maximum) must be written in English and prepared using the Microsoft Word template available at the link provided. Please ensure that you strictly follow the instructions included in the template.

Full Papers: All registered authors are eligible to submit up to 2 full papers for inclusion in the Congress Proceedings. Full papers must be prepared using the template provided below and should have between 12 and 15 pages, following the instructions outlined in the template.

Once the Word document is complete, save it as a PDF and send both the Word (.doc/.docx) and PDF versions to site for submission, along with the completed submission form, which can be found below.

Papers submitted for review must not include any form of identification to ensure anonymity. Authors should ensure that their work contains no explicit or hidden identification, including in the file properties.

Awards will be given to the best papers presented at the congress in each topic.

Publication Opportunities

Accepted and presented papers at the congress will be published in the Congress Proceedings Book (with an ISBN). Additionally, the authors have the opportunity to explore the following publication options in prestigious scientific journals.

Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics -
Scope: JSOD publishes research on spatial and organisational dynamics, including urban and regional development, organisational behaviour, and innovation in economic and business contexts.

Revista Alcance -
Scope: This journal focus in the areas as information management, entrepreneurship, organizational strategy, finances, technology forum, people management, marketing, operations and logistics, sustainability and social responsibility.

Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional (RBGDR) -
Scope: This journal publishes studies on regional development, governance, public policies, sustainability, and economic growth. It welcomes interdisciplinary research that analyses the dynamics of regional and territorial development.

Revista de Administração de Empresas -
Scope: RAE is a highly respected journal in business and management, covering topics such as corporate strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, and organisational behaviour.

Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais -
Scope: This journal focuses on regional development, economic geography, spatial planning, and territorial policies. Contributions addressing cross-border cooperation, regional innovation systems, and sustainable development are highly encouraged.

Strategic Change -
Scope: This journal focuses on strategic management, organisational transformation, and corporate innovation. Contributions addressing strategic shifts in business models, governance, and digital transformation are particularly encouraged.

Tourism Review -
Scope: Tourism Review is a leading academic journal dedicated to exploring trends, innovations, and developments in the tourism and hospitality industry. Topics of interest include sustainable tourism, digitalisation in tourism, and emerging market trends.

Turismo: Visão e Ação -
Scope: This journal focuses on tourism studies, including sustainable tourism, destination management, hospitality, and tourism innovation. It welcomes interdisciplinary research on the economic, social, and environmental impacts of tourism.